Friday, August 4, 2017

Bitcoin News: Bitcoin Casinos Start Accepting The New Bitcoin Cash

The Bitcoin virtual currency has been in the news more this week due to the new Bitcoin cash digital currency. Bitcoin Cash is not the same thing as the regular BTC, in fact Coinbase, one of the leading BTC digital wallets is not accepting Bitcoin Cash.

Online Casinos That Have Accepted Bitcoin are started to accept the new virtual currency.  There is a lot of money in both virtual currencies as the original Bitcoin is trading at over twenty-seven hundred dollars per BTC, while Bitcoin Cash is trading over four hundred dollars. Find out more information in the Bitcoin Cash Vs. The BTC Cryptocurrency article from PlaySlots4RealMoney.

Although some online casinos have jumped on board accepting Bitcoin cash others are still using the old Bitcoin virtual currency.  The interesting thing about this situation is that Coinbase has not started to accept Bitcoin Cash.  It is a good tell to see what the biggest digital wallet in the United States of America is doing as far as accepting the new currency.

Coinbase deals with other virtual currencies such as Litecoin and Dodgecoin.  What is coinbase against the Bitcoin Cash.  The online casino gamblers and investors are very curious, especially since yesterday an article was released that stated Coinbase has lost a lot of customers due to people using Bitcoin Cash instead of BTC.

What is the future of Bitcoin Cash Versus The BTC Cryptocurrency?

We wish we knew more about how online casinos and digital wallets like Coinbase will react to Bitcoin Cash in the months and the years to come.  It appears that Bitcoin Cash is easier to process than the older blockchain technology.  Blockchain has become a dominant factor in processing digital currency transactions however they still rely on human Bitcoin miners. Bitcoin cash appears to have artificial intellegence that enables the virtural currency to be processed faster, easier and safer.

Since 2008 Bitcoin has changed the way people buy and sell goods and services on the Internet.  Bitcoin has become a very mainstreem way to buy and sell goods on the web to the point where big online retailers like Overstock now accept Bitcoin.  Will Overstock start to accept Bitcoin Cash?  It is too hard to tell what the future of Bitcoin Cash is but we are looking forward to see how the changes affect the virtual currencies.

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